The history of C.O.A.M.

Engineer Santel, how was COAM born?

In 1956 engineer Gebauer decided to try immersing an engine pump unit in an oil tank and operating an hydraulic system.

Many had thought he was crazy, but the idea was good because now all the hydraulic systems in the world work that way.

From there came the hydraulic system as we know it now, with the piston, the pump unit and the valve.

And from there also COAM was born, because in 1962 it was founded on paper and in 1963 the walls of this company were ready and we started working.

Founded as italian Gebauer, in 1972 changed its name to the actual COAM, Hydraulic Components for Lifts and good lifts.

Subsequently it became part of the Shindler Group until 2005, when it became an autonomous and innovation-oriented industrial reality.

The common thread that unites all the stages of the history of COAM is the figure of Vincenzo Santel, appreciated foreman and later technical director, who in over 50 years of activity has accompanied COAM with his innovative spirit up to the generation of our days.

Today, the great cultural and technological heritage built in almost a century of history is in the hands of a modern staff of well-trained and experienced people with whom I have the honor of working.

I, like my predecessors, I strongly believe in collaboration and sharing of experiences, both within the company and with customer companies, design firms and commercial partners who, thanks to COAM, realize every day systems bringing our high technology and quality to the world.

Whatever your need, contact us:
Tel: ++39 041 46.89.66 – Fax: ++39 041 46.84.63