We adopted the slogan “We can lift the world” not by chance.
The history of COAM tells us that our company, in many years of activity, has been able to meet the most demanding challenges, providing the components for lifts and goods lifts not only able to lift important or unusual loads, but also specifically designed for installations with the most varied needs, ranging from design needs to technological innovation, from durability needs to great resistance during use, in the most different contexts.
We are proud that in many plants in which our components are integrated, even after more than 30 years of continuous use, sometimes in extreme conditions, they are still fully functional.
An example among all is the 3 train elevators installed at the central station in Milan.
This means that COAM, with its components and technical design department, is present in the systems installed in the most prestigious and demanding locations in the world among which we recall: the entrance pyramid at the Louvre in Paris, the elevator at “The British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Center” the “Museum of Islamic art in Doha”, the masts of the flags of “Valletta City Gate” designed by Renzo Piano, the “The point” in Paddington in the city of London, the installation at the “Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology” and the one at the “Europäisches Hansemuseum” in Lubeck and many others, where COAM has been able to take up the challenge to respond to the needs demanded by these important installations in terms of architecture, scope, reliability and technological innovation.
Whatever your need, contact us:
Tel: ++39 041 46.89.66 – Fax: ++39 041 46.84.63
email: info@coam-spa.com